Test Prep
Our proven SAT curriculum is designed to give students the skills and confidence they need to rock it on test day. Each week, students take a full-length practice test under realistic testing conditions and then separate classes focusing on each section.
Elite’s rigorous ACT preparation course cover all tested subjects – English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing – and teach specific test-taking strategies unique to the ACT.
For elementary and middle school students applying to private schools, we offer specialized courses designed to prepare students for the Independent School Entrance Examination, Secondary School Admissions Test, and High School Placement Test.
AP Exams
AP exams offer students a chance to earn college credit and strengthen their college applications. Elite’s AP prep courses include: Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language, English Literature, European History, Physics, US History, World History and more.
Provincial Exams
Elite offers senior students Provincial Exam Preparation Classes. In these classes students will get an overview of what to expect on the upcoming exam, and how best to tackle them. Secondary school students who are aiming to graduate in BC are required to write Provincial Exams. We are here to help.
Elite’s TOEFL and IELTS course targets all language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Elite’s curriculum aims to increase students’ proficiency in academic English rather than concentrate solely on test-taking strategies.
Reading & Writing
Reading & Writing course aims to develop core skills such as critical thinking, close reading, writing and speaking. This program is especially designed for the students to succeed in the New BC Curriculum and includes various presentations and creative projects.
Intensive Courses
The Elite Intensive Programs are designed to target specific areas of grammar and writing that give ongoing problems to students. This course is especially designed to facilitate movement into upper levels and SAT or ACT classes, as well as to help students improve in their regular schools.
Elite’s ReadiPrep™ is designed especially for 8th to 10th graders who want to get a head start on preparing for the PSAT and SAT. This program utilizes popular literature to develop critical reading, grammar, and writing skills. Students read novels by writers whose works have appeared on various standardized tests. It offers a monthly practice test.
Elite Premier
Tutoring & Academics Management
Students are encouraged not only to stay on top of their grades but also to take ownership of their studies. We help motivate students and hold them accountable as they progress toward their goals.
Our teachers, academic advisors, and branch directors all work together to set the foundation for your student’s success. We’re more than just tutors. We’re your team.
Our tutors serve as both skilled instructors and academic role models. Elite’s high teacher-retention rate allows students to learn with their favorite tutors over a long period of time, creating positive and meaningful mentoring relationships.
University Consulting
US & Canadian Universities
Elite Consulting has a highly experienced team dedicated to using our unique knowledge, professional experience, and creativity to help you gain acceptance to the school of your choice. We can match you to the most appropriate colleges and help you prepare a top-notch application. We can help you navigate the college admissions maze more professionally than any other service available. Only limited number of students will be accepted at each location.
- Diagnostic Test
- Comprehensive year Plan
- Standard Test Schedule
- High School Course Selection
- Common Application Workshop
- School Selection
- Application Strategy
- Essay Coaching
- Resume
- Recommendation Advice
- Interview Training
- Extracurricular Activities review
ACE Program: Academic Consulting & Extracurricular
Elite Consulting Team is comprised of professionals with unparalleled expertise in college counseling and extensive practical experience with a proven track record of success. In addition to highly acclaimed academic consulting and test prep programs, Elite now offers a counseling and pairing service for extracurricular activities, which plays a significant role in the acceptance of college applications. Through our ACE program, students can create outstanding resumes that highlight relevant extracurricular activities aligned with their major of interest. Elite will guide you step-by-step with one-on-one counseling and a long-term strategic plan to build the most powerful college application possible.
Take AP & BC credits online with Elite!
Raise your GPA & add course credits to your transcript!
Take online, AP & BC-accredited courses through our independent school partner
Direct Access to Monthly Report Cards
Get live tutoring and support from Elite’s experienced instructors
Get help navigating the online learning from start to finish.
Yes, credits will appear on BC transcript and final report will be sent to student’s home school.
Elite will monitor student’s monthly report cards and provide counselling to discuss the student’s progress. Elite will walk through the course and help students to finish successfully.
Student can retake a course to upgrade the mark. Students can take online courses to finish the graduation requirements on time. Group Class and One on One Private Tutor classes are both available.
The program offers the best of both worlds: ❶ a fully online curriculum that allows students to earn BC approved credits through our partnered school and, ❷ in-person, live tutoring, and support from Elite. Elite’s fully-integrated relationship with our partner school provides a seamless learning experience for students to help them best achieve their academic goals.
BC accredited courses (*150 courses are available) & AP Credit courses

S.W.E.P. Program
School Writing Enhancement Program
The ELA(English Language Arts) curriculum in BC has recently undergone and continues to undergo significant changes. These present ongoing challenges to secondary school students in particular. S.W.E.P.(School Writing Enhancement Program) is designed to target the new Curricular Competencies that pertain especially to critical engagement and writing tasks in high school English. Students will have the opportunity to practice and get feedback on the kind of work they will be expected to produce. The program is subdivided into areas of concentration such as Composition, Literary Studies, and New Media so students can learn all aspects of the new BC curriculum.

Coding & Computer Programming
We offer various computer programming courses from basic to advanced. These courses will help students to learn coding and be fully prepared for the BC coding course in high school, the AP Computer Science course, and the Canadian Computer Competition (CCC) and Olympiad (CCO).
Elite Writing Workshop Contest
This intensive course is a great chance for students in R&W classes to receive extra-personalized attention in their individual writing skills. Junior students in the program will examine sample short stories and write an original short story based on the theme provided. Senior students will read a variety of essays and generate their own according to the genre and themes specified. Teachers will meticulously guide each and every student throughout the process.
Once a year
This special program is offered only once a year during Spring Boot Camp.
Writing Contest
Coinciding with Writing Contest, 3 top stories in each of each levels will be announced and awarded.
Printed Book
All participants’ works will be printed in a book and given to them.
Cover Design
The winner will see his or her artwork on the cover of our book.
Ivy League Exploration & Admissions Workshops
Spend your spring break with Elite Ivy League alumni!
Since 2011, Elite has proudly offered the Ivy League Exploration & Admission Workshop. This motivational study program is designed to inspire students, help them select the right school, and foster teamwork and leadership skills among their peers. The students joining this special program will visit Ivy League universities, speak with college students and instructors, and take tours of each campus. Participants will get a better understanding of college life, the surrounding communities, the college’s expectations, and the requirements for applying for admission.